I started writing recaps of my Avernus sessions with the goal of eventually putting them here. After 10 sessions things started blurring together a bit. With the dawn of the COVID-19 Pandemic there’s also way less free time to spend at the keyboard musing about movies and table top RPGs. Now, about 12-14 sessions in…
All posts in Baldur’s Gate & Elturel
Session Zero – Baldur’s Gate & Elturel: Descent into Avernus
I am hungry to do another in person 5E Game and our group decided to do Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus with me behind the screen. Those of you with time on your hands may have already read my long-ass review of this adventure. Very long story short, this one will be tough to run.…
Baldur’s Gate – Descent into Avernus
I want to preface this review by saying that of all the 5E releases to date, this is the one I was anticipating the most. I have been pumped for Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus, from DAY ONE! DAY ONE SON! Yet my expectations for Descent changed multiple times from announcement to release. When the…
Baldur’s Gate, Part 2 – Heroes of Baldur’s Gate
Heroes of Baldur’s Gate was a huge surprise to me when it came out. Maybe I was just out of the loop. This adventure came out in 2019 from one of the writers of Dragon Age: Origins. It draws heavily from the Baldur’s Gate video games. Heroes takes place at the same time roughly a…
Baldur’s Gate, Part 1 – Murder in Baldur’s Gate
Those of you who follow my Twitter account may have noticed I am very eager to get my paws on the upcoming D&D 5E hardcover adventure, Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus. I was sold on the concept of a Mad Max inspired sandbox in Hell. I’m getting some Dark Sun vibes from the shattered wasteland,…