Yellowjackets has been a staple at our home since the premiere just over three years ago. However, things are not going great. The show has been very slow to hit plot points. And there’s a notable pacing and intensity difference between the two timelines. The storyline in the woods is gripping. The modern story is…
Repost – D&D Epics: Drums of the Dead
Drums of the Dead is my 4th D&D Adventurers’ League “Epic” adventure. For the uninitiated, at conventions or special events at stores D&D AL will allow you to run “Epics.” An Epic is one adventure being run by 8+ tables simultaneously and the tables influence each other in a variety of ways. The story of…
Cibola Burn
Cibola Burn is my least favorite Expanse book and the hardest to get through. There I said it. This can be a frustrating story where things just keep getting worse and worse and worse until the characters get lucky and limp away from a shit show at the fuck factory. The situation in Cibola Burn…
Vecna: Eve of Ruin
This one has been a long time coming. For years 5e products have made obscure references to Vecna, the biggest baddest lich in Dungeons & Dragons canon. Those references got a shot in the arm when Stranger Things season 4 in 2022 named its antagonist after Vecna. This was accompanied by The Vecna Dossier, a…
Eve of Ruin (Pat’s Version) aka The Mark Of Mercy
Editor’s Note – I dug this one out of the archive after the Great Blog Crash. It’s an Eberron set sequel to Curse of Strahd and I thought it was a good idea. The similarities to Vecna: Eve of Ruin make me feel a little clever so here it is. I just got back from…
Alien: Covenant
I was shocked that I liked Alien: Covenant a good deal more than Prometheus. For a brief recap: I despised Prometheus when I saw it in the theater when it came out. I read Roger Ebert’s 4 star review. 4 stars, nothing you’d change? There were a lot of comparisons to Alien and I was…
The Expanse – Abaddon’s Gate
The third Expanse book, Abaddon’s Gate, picks up about three years later after Caliban’s War. We ended the 2nd book with two stingers. The impossibly huge ship takes off from Venus and Detective Miller shows up in a rush of blue fireflies. The TLDR summary on Book 3: That alien ship reached its destination. It…
Planescape – Well of the Worlds
DM’s Note: This was written in 2019 prior to the release of Descent into Avernus. One thing I want to do is adapt some adventures from other campaign settings. This way if my home game has a night where the DM can’t make it they can see some of the other campaign settings outside the…
Planescape: Turn of Fortune’s Wheel
Since 5e came out Wizards of the Coast has been very….very…very slowly releasing the campaign settings of editions past. Some settings like Greyhawk or Eberron were an easy lift and one is justified for pondering what the hell took so long. Others like Dark Sun have some problematic shit in their blood and may never…
The Expanse – Caliban’s War
Our 2nd Expanse book raises the stakes with new characters Let’s start by reviewing the POV characters we’ll have in this book. James Holden is in a different place in this book. When we were introduced to Holden he was the 2nd in Command on the Canterbury. Former Earth Navy, dishonorably discharged, charming and handsome. …